It's a story between my mother's loss and nephew's birth

The inception of Nivaala came about when I lost my mother a few years ago. I realized that I hadn’t written down or learnt any of our family recipes. All that remained were some faint memories of her cooking, that left me experimenting to recreate the flavours she would whip up.

This realization became even more stark when my nephew was born... her cherished family recipes, each telling a unique story, were fading away. I needed to document them, seeking out my mother's family who shared her cooking style. There was this deep desire to acquaint the next generation with her culinary legacy. That's how Nivaala was born - a platform that encourages people to treat their family recipes as tangible heirlooms — akin to the saris, watches, and jewelry that we inherit, pary of our family's cultural heritage.

Nivaala is an ode to my mother Neena and her mother Subhash, who loved us through their cooking

Love, Shruti

  • The Analog Way

    Our beautiful heirloom recipe journal is designed to help you record your family recipes in your or your mum's/ grandmum's handwriting.

    Handwrite your family recipes 
  • The In-between Path

    A bespoke family cookbook publishing service,we help you preserve your favourite, most precious recipes in a professionally-edited and designed cookbook.

    Publish your family cookbook 
  • Go Digital

    Like a family tree, our culinary history deserves to be stored safely for generations. We’re building a secure online portal that allows you to store your family recipes.

    Create an online repository 

We're also building the Food Atlas, an interactive map documenting the regional food of India

We're on a mission to preserve an digitize hyperlocal family recipes from 4000 citites and villages across India

Explore The Map